Today you are going to know the way of spirituality and its effects but before moving into it, if you do not mind I want to ask a question.
Please don’t.
That’s an easy one. Do you believe in God’s existence? If yes, then how did you come to know this? If no, then why not? Please feel free to write your answer in the comment box.
Let’s get started and to do so we first need to understand the meaning of spirituality so that you understand what I am trying to present. In simple terms spirituality means realising these three aspects:
1. Realising oneself;
2. Realising the supreme being;
3. Realising the eternal relationship with the supreme power.
I believe that relating everything with God and finding his presence everywhere also describes the meaning of spirituality.
When one believes the above-mentioned points then he is on the way to spirituality. It is an ongoing process and one cannot say that he has attained spirituality. It is because we people have many drawbacks like
1. We do mistakes;
2. We get angry;
3. We sometimes get involved in the material world and forget the supreme power;
4. We get affected by our senses etc.
You just need to go on and on in the way to spirituality and you will find many changes in you. To let you know the effects I will tell some of my own experiences on the effects of being in the way to spirituality.
1. I am going calmer and calmer by Knowing the real self. I have come to know that there is no advantage of getting angry all the time. There is no use of getting angry all the time and harm me and my loved ones.
2. I think twice before saying or doing something. My restlessness is almost lost. It is one of the good traits I have achieved so far.
3. I see myself in other people and this makes me feel the importance of everyone. I never harm others or say any wrong words to anyone.
4. I question my existence which is a very good signal of gaining interest in this. I regularly keep an eye on the things coming to my mind and then analyse which are important with the help of my intelligence.
5. I developed my connection with the supreme power. I got to know that he is everywhere and sees all of us every time.
6. It cleanses my soul and mind. There are positive thoughts in my mind. There come to some negative thoughts too but they are for a very short time it is because after some time my soul discovers its bad effects on me.
7. I think of helping others and after doing so I find myself in the most satisfying situation ever. I feel happy by doing so and find people and ways to help them.
8. I do not get upset on silly things which I usually used to do before entering into this path. Small problems never affect me but I consider them important so that steps could be taken to stop such mishappenings.
9. I have turned optimistic and find good in every good or bad situation. I got to know that whatever happens is for our good. One should believe that the supreme personality made this happen for your good only and you only need to accept that.
10. There is no dependency left. I have gained confidence in me and I am no more nervous in doing anything alone and without any help.
These are not the only effects of being in a spiritual path. There are many more to know. You all can feel it only when you be on the same path. I am on the way to spirituality and gaining many advantages day by day and I hope I could make you feel the need to do so as early as possible.
I really hope you liked it and must have gained knowledge from my post. If I missed any point in my experiences section then please tell your after-effects of your way to a spiritualistic path.